How the Ukrainian Crisis is Waking Us Up

The aspect of the war no one’s talking about.

Cielo Vida🧡ReWILDing You


At home in my car tonight I’m thinking about Ukraine.

I’m camped in the woods. Can’t check for news. Before I left town earlier this evening, I read the nuclear reactor near Ernerhodar was on fire. Threatening to blow up the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. Putting an untold number of lives at risk.

Instead of hitting refresh on my phone for updates, feeding the internal doom scrolling frenzy like I’ve been known to do, I’m…



Cielo Vida🧡ReWILDing You

Inner Wisdom Guide+Freedom Advocate⚡️I help women shift from self-silencing to Living Out Loud💥One year FT from the Suby~outside is home🏜She/Her